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Turbie towel_edited.jpg

Bag, T shirt or jumper :


All of these item are pre made and ready to be posted

once the order is placed, leaving no room for error in the creating process. Even so, it's still a possibility for you to order to wrong size / the wrong size is posted, in which

case please send an email / a message to let me know

and we can arrange an exchange. 


Nude :


The nudes are hand made so each and every one

is unique and one of a kind. If you have any

specific requests let me know by leaving a note

with your order or send a message before

hand to discuss you requests. Nudes are

Refund Policy

posted in tissue paper in a hard back envelope to avoid any damage during the posting proces.


Canvas :


Canvases are all made to your exact order : size, shape and colour. You're welcome to ask for a photo of your canvas before it's posted to ensure that you're happy with the finished piece. For these reasons I cannot offer a refund for any canvases unless a mistake has been made with the size / shape on HIWTI's side.


Thank you so much for understanding,

Mari x

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